56 entries. Danke Schön für das nette QSO. Ich bin Spanier aber Ich bin Deutschland geboren (Nordrhein-Westfalen). Auf wiederhören. Tks lieber Ernst für das nette QSO vor ein paar Minuten (22'55 MEZ, 7,151MHz, LSB, 59+20 / 59). Glückwunsch auch zur WEB!!!!! Hoffe auf ein baldiges wiederhören! Vy 73 + 55 de EA3ANC Thanks for the nice QSO today! THANK YOU Ernest for the nice contact all the best too you and your family FROM SOUTH WALES UK. It was a pleasure to meet you by 3rd time on the air, Ernst. Your audio quality was great and you arrived with 9+20 in the 20m band. I hope next time we complete our 4th contact in the 10m band also. I see we are both software developers, so we have one more thing in common. Have a great time and best wishes from the mediterranean coast of Spain. Hi Ernst, beautiful site, my compliments. Thanks for the nice qso we just had on 20m. Best greetings from Holland. 44. Emiel PD9EAV. Wow! Freu' mich auf ein QSO! Hallo Ernst, vielen Dank für das nette QSO von eben. 20 + 40m sind gemacht, einige andere Bänder sind noch zu erledigen. Viel Erfolg, Andre! Many thanks for listening to me when I was QRP with 5 W . have a great summer Pasquale Dear Ernst, Dear GuestBook readers I love this site with its very detailled descriptions of the OE3IDE station. For those who don't know Ernst "in live", he is a very smart and nice guy. I can tell you that after spending a few hours with him and our Friend Andrea 9H1TT in Friedrichshafen at the Hamradio 2018. Live a long and prosperous life, Ernst. vy 73 de HB9UQX Peter Thank you for the QSO earlier this evening. Sorry that it couldn't be longer, but I had a lot of QSB. You are my first contact to Austria, so it was nice to be able to complete the QSO. Congratulations on your fine website. My working conditions tonight were: Yaesu FT-817, LDG Z817 ATU feeding a random long-wire, sloping 'L' on 8m mast, via LDG 1:1 balun, so only running 5 watts. Hopefully I'll catch you further down the log. 73 Dom - 2E0WHQ / QRP Great Website Ernst. Glad that your 4 square has worked out so well! Will be talking to you on 40 metres sometime. 73 de Mac VE9ZY Congratulations on your great site Moin Ernst, durch Zufall hörte ich abends ein QSO von dir mit und fand deine Betriebstechnik und auch deine Gesprächsart so gut, daß ich auf QRZ nach dir gesucht habe. QRZ nach der "Sicherheitsänderung" ohne Vorankündigung, hmmm, habe mich auch geärgert... Zu deiner neuen Seite gratuliere ich dir und würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns in dieser hochfrequenten Welt einmal treffen würden. Resprectfully Hermann, DL6BCX Hi there Ernst Just dropped in to have a look at your website , It's very nice , you have made a great job of it Ernst. I too will do the same when my subscription comes to it's end on QRZ.com I just don't understand why they have done what they have done ,, Fools. Take care Ernst hope to catch you on the bands . Best 73 to you and your family ps Great website ..... Kind Regards M0KLM / Bryn in North Yorkshire Lieber Ernst, gratuliere zu dieser sehr übersichtlichen und gut gestalteten Webseite! 73, Michael (OE3MBZ) |