What is Cluster-TCI-Bridge?
If your logger does not support sending spots via TCI (to Thetis) you can use Cluster-TCI-Bridge to that job for you!
Connection to TCI
multiple telnet-clusters can be configured
hide spots (do not send via TCI) based on mode (all bands) and/or based on band (all modes)
hide spots based on mode on band
set default color for TCI-Spots in Thetis
set color based on search string (or list of strings comma separated) for dx-callsign or comment
send text-filtered spots via UDP – to use it in Thetis mmio/multimeters
disable TCI (standalone mode)
Show ISS position including predicted course, with marker if ISS is optical observable on your location (needs grid locator in Setup)
Map with all spots including mouse-over info, ISS data, realtime greyline and great circle lines from DX to your QTH (needs grid locator in Setup)
PSTRotator-Support: double-click in spots-table and click on AZ in the spotinfo on the map to send the azimuth to PSTRotator (see Setup for IP/Port)
Inbuilt webserver to render the map including greyline, spots and ISS to a png (ie. http://localhost:8123)
and many more 😉
Special thanks to Richie, MW0LGE for the ideas, testing and the greyline code!
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The software is 100% free of charge, no trialperiod or whatsoever. If you like it, a donation will be much appreciated!
Have fun with it
Ernst, OE3IDE
Cluster-TCI-Bridge 1.1.44
Release notes:
V 1.1.44
added: option in setup to forward cluster commands (when using Cluster-TCI-Bridge as a dx-cluster-server) to a connected telnet-cluster server. If nothing configured it will always forward commands to the first connected telnet-cluster
V 1.1.43
added: Telnet output (in dx cluster format). Now can use Cluster-TCI-Bridge as regular dx-cluster in your logger. Currently there are NO commands (sh/dx, …) implemented. Only “bye” and “exit” for dropping the connection
V 1.1.42
small bug fix
added “enter key” into about box (will hide the donation button)
V 1.1.41
fixed: spots are now sent with the exact frequency (Hz)
V 1.1.40
fixed: issue after wakeup pc (telnet clusters & ISS)
some small bugfixes
fixed: ui freezing when ISS api timed out
V 1.1.39 – not released
V 1.1.38
fixed: possible bug in asycn swl spot send fixed
fixed: resizing/positioning on enable/disable “hide tci/telnet/raw” via setup
fixed: tray icon was shown more then once when using webserver
fixed: beam lines across map
V 1.1.37
added: CQ zones in map
added: ITU zones in map
fixed: telnet heartbeat
added: pass through for pst receive data to another port (ie. Thetis mm i/o)
added: altitude and speed for ISS
added: option to hide TCI-, Telnet- and Raw-Panel (need application restart)
V 1.1.36
added: sun and moon position (visible only if greyline is on)
added: time display in map
added: SWL support (swl table)
added: validity in seconds will be sent encoded in “mode” for spots (needs Thetis
added: spotcolor for swl spots
added: info “swl spots sent” to swl form
added: filters for swl spots (on air, onyl broadcast bands, follow vfoA/B, text search)
added: beam heading on map, receives azimuth data via udp in PSTRotator format AZ:nnn
added: solar data (SFI,A,K) to sun on map
added: shadow for ISS-icon on map
added: manually entered commands in form send are now stored
changed: all TCI now async
changed: complete rewrite of debug log class
fixed: great circle line to home-qth was not drawn
fixed: ISS data query on connection timeout/connection drop
fixed: ISS visibility circle on left/right edge
fixed: wrong tci status info, when disabled while re-connecting was active
V 1.1.30
added password option for telnet-connection
added keep sort order on new spots
rightclick on row or in map opens qrz.com page
bugfix dx commands
added webserver for image output of the map (including greyline and spots)
added gridlocator to setup
added home icon on map
added targetline between home-location and dx-location (hover on circle)
added azimuth/heading display in circle hover window
change webimage output to show callsigns (last 3 of given lat/lon-circle)
webimage output default size is 960×480. use ?hires=1 in url to force 1920×960 output
added timer (1 min) to update greyline if no spot is coming in
added leapjahr for greyline sim
added selected date for day-slider in greyline sim
fixed time sort order over midnight
switched from cty.dat to cty.plist (countries.txt) for more detailed callsign data, including ITU-Zone,CQ-Zone, etc.)
added option to output AZ/heading to PST-Rotator (with doubleclick in a row or click on AZ value in circle-hoverinfo)
added distance in km to circle-hoverinfo
added option “Show only spots from current band”
added url arg “blobs=1” to show blobs on output webimage, blobs=0 shows rectangle with last 3 spots per lat/lon)
added url arg lat,lon,zoom to show only a part of the map (hires must be on)
added a url-generator for webimage in Setup
lat/lon/zoom can only be used if hires Is on (setup)
changed: maximized box disabled in map-form, forced window into 2:1 ratio
bugfix: lat/lon/zoom only enabled in setup when hires is on
bugfix: webserver process requests
removing great circle line to target on leave of the blob (circle)
added ISS live position (update every 5s)
fix selected map is now correct highlighted in the drop-down menu “Maps”
added SendSHDX to telnet-cluster config (sends SH/DX/100 on cluster start)
added option to clear all spots on band-change
bugfix ISS course
fixed a bug where ISS icon turned not green after setup save
faster loading of ISS data
added predicted ISS-Course (using TLE data from https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/stations.txt)
removed iss history course
caching TLE data for ISS in INI (update limited to once per day)
added distance, azimuth and elevation to current ISS position
added overlay for predicted ISS course including current distance, azimuth and elevation
added green line for ISS course if ISS is optical visible to the observer (using grid locator from settings)
fixed zero values for lat/lon/zoom (webserver) in settings
implemented Sgp4Data to do all the calculation for ISS
fixed: flickering on overlapping clusters
fixed: check valid pstrotator ip/port on save
fixed: restore of callsign/commend color table on cancel & reopen
fixed: width of zoom in setup
fixed: blocking reConnect if TCI not available
fixed: ISS infotext (was cut off near right window-edge)
changed: predicted courseinfo now only rendered if mouseposition is inside the form
changed: added 1px blackshadow to ISS-Info and predicted ISS-Info for better visibility
added: support for cwskimmer telnet server
added: ISS dataquery can now be enabled/disabled via icon-click in main screen (only for the current session)
changed: optimized code (httpClient) in ISSDataManager class (better error handling, less client requests)
V 1.1.3
added: hide-flag to color filter settings
changed: udp output now in “n1mm” spot format
added: “send only filtered” in settings (for color filters)
added: hit-count and last seen for color filters (see settings)
added: dx and spotter country and continent recognition (using cty.dat)
added: filter for dx-continent and spotter-continent
fixed: ui-improvements (formatting, sizing)
V 1.0.16
added resizing datagrid
added send spot
changed tci-connection to async task
added multi telnet cluster support
added spot color based on search string (call or comment)
added udp-output for filtered spots
added double click in spot-row => tunes Thetis to freq and mode
added default spot color selection
added filter spot based on band + mode
added spot color bases on frequency
V 1.0.5
fixed: reading from dx-cluster if date-format is not standard
added: text in in/out LEDs
V 1.0.4
improved: reconnect telnet & connection watchdog
added option: hide when close
added: disable sending spot to tci based on mode (all bands)
added: disable sending spot to tci based on band (all modes)
added: hide spots in table if disabled (settings)
bugfix: autoscroll on/off
bugfix: debug console
V 1.0.3
added autoscroll/disable autoscroll on telnet outputs
added online/offline icon
added tooltip info on tray-icon, now you see which telnet-cluster is connected (usefull if you run more then one instance)
added housekeeping task
changed activity LEDs
added table to ignore spots per band/mode (see settings)
V 1.0.2
bug fixes
improved TCI connect/reconnect
added band and mode recognition
added led-indicator for incoming data (telnet-cluster) and outgoing data (TCI)
added button “send …” with selectable cluster commands, including returned telnet-output in “send”-window
added option to disable TCI, so in case you want to use it just as a regular cluster-client
V 1.0.1
initial release
Thank you very much for the excellent software, the SWl is very good, 73 from Felix EA4HOS – YV5GRV – 4M5F
Great to hear!
73 de Ernst, OE3IDE
Hello friend, it would be interesting in a future update to be able to upload an adif file to the TCI software, and have the confirmed and worked QSOs in color, thank you for your attention and response 73 from Felix EA4HOS
Since I don’t need such functionality myself (I use LogHX, which does a great job) it’s not likely that I’ll implement it.
But the latest version can run as regular “DX Cluster”. Ie. on
So you can use Cluster-TCI-Bridge as telnet-cluster source in your logger.
I use LogHX which has extensive features to filter/color spots based on the logged qso’s.
73 de Ernst, OE3IDE
Hello Ernst- another fantastic app you have done here!
I believe Ritchie may already emailed you a request feature-
Would it be possible to add a function from the cluster bridge to act as a telnet server to send spots to loggers via a UDP port?
Then you can add example: : 7375 as a cluster sever in the loggers cluster list and grab the spots received from the Cluster-TCI-Bridge.
de N8SDR
its implemented in the latest version 😉
73 de Ernst, OE3IDE
WOW Thank You!
really appreciate the additional Telnet server feature to relay!
Have a great weekend
de N8SDR