Guestbook list navigation123→ 56 entries. VK2FR Jordan from Newcastle, NSW, Australia wrote on 6. November 2023 at 12:04 Thanks for the QSO's we have had recently Ernst, I look forward to many more in the future. 73 Jordan VK2FR Admin Reply by: Ernst Hey Jordan! Nice to hear/read from you... yeah, I hope the band condz to VK will be good in the next weeks. Stay safe! 73 Ernst OE3IDE F4ILH from Ecuras wrote on 25. September 2021 at 13:50 hello ernest, thank you for the contact with OE130KUK.hope to meet you again on air best salutation Martin Smaling from Culemborg wrote on 20. July 2021 at 19:42 Vy nice set-up and QTH you have, Ernst! 73, PA3GSQ Ana - CU2YK from Azores wrote on 2. July 2021 at 23:52 Hi! Thank you for the QSO today. Your website is super!!! As always your signal report is very good in Azores. Stay Safe! 73 88 Ana Admin Reply by: Ernst Hi Ana! Thank you vy much for the compliments 🙂 Always nice to hear your voice on air. Greetings to the Azores, stay safe! 73 & 88 Ernst OE5SLN from Mehrnbach wrote on 8. June 2021 at 14:08 Bin immer wieder beeindruckt von deiner Page Ernst! Toll gemacht, gratuliere, 73 Stefan I am a swl since I was a teenager. Born 21 July 1955...born in Johannesburg South Africa.. Living in Limassol Cyprus for many years. Today I have heard your OE3IDE. 14.216 khz at 11. 41 utc 21.November 2020. Good copy into Cyprus. My receiver is the Icom R 70 RECEİVER. Tecsun Pl 310 and Sangean ATS 909 X and long wire antenna. Best wishes and 73. COSTA CONSTANTINIDES. Po box 54592 limassol 3725 Cyprus. Barry from Rossendale wrote on 9. September 2020 at 0:11 Hi Ernst, Just browsing and found your site. We worked back in 2018 in the UKEI contest, but I'm not a contester. I saw your software and decided to take a look, but nowhere do you mention the O.S. it's intended for, so I was expecting something cross platform. Nope! I found a .exe. No use to me I only have Linux here. I'm surprised that any amateurs still use Windows! May be worth adding the O.S. requirements to the site. I look forward to speaking again soon, 73 Barry (G4MKT) Admin Reply by: Ernst Hi Barry, well, I suppose that most of the amateurs use windows os. I have a Linux installation here on the side, running in a VM. Since most of the software I use for amateur radio, runs only on windows (pa remote control, rotator control, logging software, sdr console,...), I decided to go not cross-platform with my small little tools. But maybe in the future, who knows 😉 Best 73s Ernst James Weir mm6wer from Paisley, Scotland wrote on 2. September 2020 at 22:45 Hi Ernst, Thank you for the brief QSO on 20m. The band conditions were fairly poor and although your signal was only 51, it was rock solid with great audio. I was running a 10 watts from my TS 850s and an inverted V dipole at 5.5m above ground. Nice to meet you and hope to speak to you again. James MM6WER Scotland. martin anthony davies from swansea wrote on 30. June 2020 at 21:21 Hi Ernst nice to speak to you earlier;on 10 meters. you were booming into Wales 5/9 plus ++ your station doing a fb job"! best wishes to you and your family' de mw0cnd Martin Carl from Wurenlos, Switzerland wrote on 26. June 2020 at 9:37 Thank you for the nice contact earlier this week on 40 M SSB. I was playing with a Xiegu X5105, 5 watt transceiver that for the fun of it, I tuned up on a Diamond 20 meter mobile monobander (!) LOL on top of my wife's car, a VW Polo, basically zero counterpoise. Nonetheless, was pure play, I don't recommend using ATU on 20 meter vertical mobile on 40 🙂 - I'm now tuning the antenna we 3 tuned radials for 20 and looking to do SOTA, or more /P. - Can you tell me who made your QSL cards, i'm looking to make some.thanks and 73 - Carl HB9FGN Admin Reply by: Ernst Hi Carl! vy gd signal, your vertical does a fantastic job! My QSL-cards are homebrew 😉 73 de Ernst OE3IDE Frank Maes from Zedelgem wrote on 9. June 2020 at 11:48 Thanks for the nice qso, I using only 5 Watt and a vertical dipol antenne. Frank ON7MF BELGIUM Hi Ernst, Gute webpage...schöner design 😉 Danke dir immer gerne wieder wegen das gutes audio die du mir bringst im kopfhöhrer. So wie es sein soll.....servus Sascha Admin Reply by: Ernst Danke Dir Sascha! Ebenfalls immer perfektes Audio 🙂 Bis zum nächsten Mal. 73 de Ernst Alex Wilson M7PPG from Nottingham wrote on 17. May 2020 at 15:02 Congratulations on you audio quality today. We had a quick QSO today. I was QRP 5W on my Yaesu FTDX101MP. Using a Hi End fed longwire antenna. I can say that you audio quality is probably the best I have ever heard on SSB. I do hope to get a nice sounding audio soon. I passed my Foundation licence on 1st March 2020, so I am still very new to Ham Radio. I have only owned my Yaesu for about a week and am using a Yaesu MD-100 desk microphone. Thank you for the QSO and 73. Admin Reply by: Ernst Hello Alex, thank you very much for the comments about my audio. I put a lot of effort in it 😉 It was very busy today on 14.205... I always trying to listen portable and qrp-stations.. but you know it is often not possible, because so many people calling. Hope to hear soon from you! 73s Ernst TALANGE from Gilles wrote on 3. May 2020 at 22:40 Merci pour un très bon contact à bientot sur la HF 73 Jose from Almería, Spain wrote on 2. May 2020 at 2:16 Excellent conditions at frequencies of 20 m. although not in the entire DX band. It highlights its good modulation and enhancement of your voice, on a noise signal of 5 out of 7, with an effective transmission of 5/9 + 10 up to my qth. I personally get a lot of noise due to my self-built 1: 9 multi-band fishing pole vertical antenna. Nice to meet you on radio waves. Receive a cordial greeting from your radio friend Jose, EA7JIR. 73. Be safe, stay home! joseph from Ruiru wrote on 21. March 2020 at 17:12 could hear your CQ on 19:09 , Nairobi kenya , signal 5.5 73 5z4MN, Simon Bateson 2E0NMK from Durham wrote on 9. March 2020 at 20:41 Good to work you again Ernst ,keep up the good work . 73 !!! Colin Milburn from Belchford wrote on 1. March 2020 at 12:52 Thank you for all the good contacts we have had. 73s Colin G7NLA Klaus from Weinstadt wrote on 15. February 2020 at 22:40 Hallo Ernst! Deine Seite gefällt mir sehr gut, das ist eine tolle Sache. Ich beneide dich ein bisschen um deine Antennen, wenn ich den Platz hätte würde ich es genauso machen. 73`s de Klaus es gd DX, DG1SGW. Admin Reply by: Ernst Hallo Klaus, vielen Dank für die Komplimente! Wir hatten 2018 ein QSO auf 80m, würd mich freuen wenn aus auch auf 20 oder 40 klappen würde. 73 de Ernst Gareth Phillips from Ebbw Vale wrote on 9. February 2020 at 14:24 Just thought I’d say hello, I can hear you on 14.224.00 doing a lovely job 5/7-8 unfortunately I don’t have a call sign yet but hope to catch you on the coax soon (163CT254) Guestbook list navigation123→